Kakad Aarti-Morning Aarti.

Dear Readers,
As per to My Dream with in a Dream I am continuing my post as order given by SATHGURU SAINATH to write all the Aarti.Here is my small insignificant effort to follow the order of Baba .I am trying my best to put all the detailed information for Sai Baba Aarti here .
An Introduction via this video about Who is SAI what does SAI means. Click on play button to view a beautiful video.
I shall seek forgiveness from My Deva and readers.Please ignore and forgive if there are any mistake in translation or lyrics or anywhere.To make easy for readers to understand the way translation is put in the website please read and follow the following steps.
1.Aarti name is given .
2.Download link in Mp3 of the song.
3.Video of the Aarti is given .
4.Aart lines are written in Hindi .
5.Complete translation of Hindi lines.
6.Word to word meaning of the lines in English .
Devotee who are not aware, the timings of Aarti has been changed by Shirdi Sai Sansthan due to heavy rush and thus for the benefit of devotees the timings are as follows for Kakad Aarti:
New Kakad Aarti Timings:
Mandir opens at 4.00 am
4.15 am Bhupali.
4:30 am Kakad Aarti (morning)Begins
5:00 am Bhajan in Saibaba Mandir
5.05 am Holy Bath of Shri Sai Baba (Mangal Snaan) in Samadhi Mandir
5:35 am Aarti "Shirdi Majhae Pandharpur
5:40 am Darshan begins in Samadhi Mandir

Here I begin with songs which are sung just before Aarti starts ,they are very melodious song ,serenity pervades all over the devotee and heart becomes full of love for Baba .I could not find lyrics of song in Hindi but I am attaching the video,Mp3 link and lyrics in English .If any Sai bhakt has the lyrics in Hindi font and English Translation please forward so that I can Attach it here for all .
Video by Shirdi Sai Sansthan and other few available video's are being uploaded part by part of kakad Aarti,readers can view what they prefer .
To see the complete Kakad Aarti click Here.
Utha Utha Sakal Jana :
Uthaa Uthaa sakal jana, vaache smaraava Gajaanana
Gauree haraacha nandan, gaja vadan Ganapatii
Uthaa uthaa sakal janaDhyaani aanuni sukha moorthi,
stavan karaa eke chittiTo deiil dnyaan moorti,
moksha sukha sojwalUtha uthaa sakal jana
Jo nija bhaktaanchaadaataa, vandya suravaraa samasta
Tyaasi dyaataabhavabhaya chintaa, vighnavaartaa nivaarii
Utha uthaa sakal janaTohaa sukhaachaa Saagar,
Shri Ganaraaj MoreswarBhaave vinavita Giridhar,
bhakta tyaancha houuniiUtha uthaa sakal jana, vaache smaraavaa Gajaanana
Gauree haraachaa nandan gaja vadan GanapatiiUtha uthaa sakal jana
Uthaa Uthaa sakal jana, vaache smaraava Gajaanana
Gauree haraacha nandan, gaja vadan Ganapatii
Uthaa uthaa sakal janaDhyaani aanuni sukha moorthi,
stavan karaa eke chittiTo deiil dnyaan moorti,
moksha sukha sojwalUtha uthaa sakal jana
Jo nija bhaktaanchaadaataa, vandya suravaraa samasta
Tyaasi dyaataabhavabhaya chintaa, vighnavaartaa nivaarii
Utha uthaa sakal janaTohaa sukhaachaa Saagar,
Shri Ganaraaj MoreswarBhaave vinavita Giridhar,
bhakta tyaancha houuniiUtha uthaa sakal jana, vaache smaraavaa Gajaanana
Gauree haraachaa nandan gaja vadan GanapatiiUtha uthaa sakal jana
Click here to view this song in video waking up of Shirdi Sai Baba
Here is the link to the song "Utha Utha Sakala Jana"click here to download Mp3
Ghamshayam Sundara shridhara:
Ghanashaam sundaraa
Aa…aa….Aanand kandaa prabhaat jhaalii uthi saralii raatii (2)
Kaadhi dhaar Kshiirapaatra gheuni, Dhenu hambaratii,
Lakshitaati vaasure Hari, Dhenu stana paanhaalaa
Uthi lavakari Vanamalii, Vanamalii Uthi lavakari Vanamaalii,
udayaa-chalii mitra aalaa Ghanashaam sundaraa
Saayankaali eke melii, swijagana avage vrakshii
Arunodaya hotaach udaale taraavayaa pakshii
Prabhaat kaalii uthuni kaavadii tiirth path lakshii
Karooni sadaa sammaargana Gopii, kumbha gheuni kukshii
Yamunaa jalaasi jaatii Mukundaa (2),dadyodhan bhakshii
Ghanashaam sundaraa Shriidharaa arunodaya jhalaa
Uthi lavakari Vanamaalii, Vanamaalii Uthi lavakari Vanamaaloo,
udayaa-chalii mitra aalaa Ghanashaam sundara Shridhara arunodaya
Ghanashaam sundaraa
Aa…aa….Aanand kandaa prabhaat jhaalii uthi saralii raatii (2)
Kaadhi dhaar Kshiirapaatra gheuni, Dhenu hambaratii,
Lakshitaati vaasure Hari, Dhenu stana paanhaalaa
Uthi lavakari Vanamalii, Vanamalii Uthi lavakari Vanamaalii,
udayaa-chalii mitra aalaa Ghanashaam sundaraa
Saayankaali eke melii, swijagana avage vrakshii
Arunodaya hotaach udaale taraavayaa pakshii
Prabhaat kaalii uthuni kaavadii tiirth path lakshii
Karooni sadaa sammaargana Gopii, kumbha gheuni kukshii
Yamunaa jalaasi jaatii Mukundaa (2),dadyodhan bhakshii
Ghanashaam sundaraa Shriidharaa arunodaya jhalaa
Uthi lavakari Vanamaalii, Vanamaalii Uthi lavakari Vanamaaloo,
udayaa-chalii mitra aalaa Ghanashaam sundara Shridhara arunodaya
Watch here the song in video Ghana Shyama Sundara very beautifully picturised Sai Baba along with Lord Krishna
Here is the link to the song "Ghana Shayama Sundara" click here to download Mp3
Bhajan Om Jai Jagdish Hare with Hindi Lyrics:
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे
ॐ जय जगदीश हरे, स्वामी जय जगदीश हरे भगत जनो के संकट क्षण में दूर करे ...
जो धयावे फल पावे, दुःख बिन से मन कासुख सम्पति घर आवे, कष्ट मिटे तन का
मात-पिता तुम मेरे, शरण गहुँ किसकीतुम बिन और न दूजा, आस करूँ जिसकी ...
तुम पूरण परमात्मा, तुम अंतर्यामीपर-ब्रह्म परमेश्वर, तुम सबके स्वामी ...
तुम करुना के सागर, तुम पालनकर्ता में मूरख खल कामी ,
में सेवक तुम स्वामी,कृपा करो भरता ...
तुम हो एक अगोचर, सबके प्राण पतिकिस विधि मिलूं दयामय, तुमको में कुमति ...
दीनबंधु दुःख हरता, ठाकुर तुम मेरे अपने हाथ बढाओ अपनी शरण लगाओ,द्वार पारा तेरे ...
विषय विकार मिटाओ, पाप हरो देवाक्षद्धा भक्ति बरो, संतन की सेवा ...
तन मन धन, सब है तेरा तेरा तुझको अर्पण, क्या लगे मेरा
Lyrics in English :
Om Jaye Jagdish Hare, Swami Jaye Jagdish Hare Bhagt Jano Ke Sankat, Khshan Mein Dur Kare ...
Jo Dhaywe Phal Pave, Dukh Vinshe Man Ka Sukh Sampati Ghar Aave, Kasht Mite Tan Ka ...
Maat-Pita Tum Mere, Sharan Gahun Kiskee Tum Bin Aur Na Duja, Aas Karun Jiskee ...
Tum Puran Parmatma, Tum Antaryami Par-Brahm Parmeshwar, Tum Sabke Swami ...
Tum Karuna Ke Saagar, Tum Palankarta Mein Moorakh Khal Kami, Mein Sewak Tum Swami,Kripa Karo Bharta ...
Tum Ho Ek Agochar, Sabke Pran Pati Kis Vidhi Milun Dayamay, Tumko Mein Kumti ...
Deenbandhu Dukh Harta, Thakur Tum Mere Apne Hath Badao, Apni Sharan Lagao,Dwar Para Tere ...
Vishay Vikaar Mitao, Paap Haro Deva Shradha Bhakti Barao, Santan Ki Sewa ...
Tan Man Dhan, Sab Hai TeraTera Tujhko Arpan, Kya Lage Mera
Here is the video of the Aarti Om Jaya Jagdish Hare.
Here is the link of bhajan Om Jai Jagdish download Mp3.
काकड आरती (Morning Wake up Aarti)
1. भूपाळी(Composed by Saint Tukaram Maharaj)
जोडूनियां कर चरणीं ठेविला माथा । परिसावी विनंती माझी सदगुरुनाथा ।।1
असो नसो भाव आलों तूझिया ठाया । कृपादृष्टीं पाहें मजकडे सदगुरुराया ।।2
Joining my hands, I have kept my forhead at thy feet. Please listen to my request oh dear Sathguru.I do not understand whether or not I have real devotion, yet I have come to you.Please look towards me with grace, o dear Sathguru.
जोडूनियां -by joining,कर -Hands,चरणीं -at thy feet,ठेविला -have kept,माथा -foreheadपरिसावी -listen to,विनंती -humble request,माझी -my,सदगुरुनाथा -dear sathguru ,असो -having,नसो -not having,भाव -real feeling, ,आलों -i have come,तूझिया - at your,ठाया -place,कृपादृष्टीं -graceful look,पाहें-see,मजकडे -towards me,सदगुरुराया - dear sathguru
अखंडित असावें ऐसें वाटतें पायी । सांडूनी संकोच ठाव थोडासा देईं ।।3
तुका म्हणे देवा माझी वेडीवांकुडी । नामें भवपाश हातीं आपुल्या तोड़ी ।।4
I wish that i should always be at thy feet,leaving aside all feeling of shyness. Please give me little refuge (at your feet).Tukaram maharaj says, o god please do not mind my crooked composition.It is in your hand to destroy my worldly afflictions.
अखंडित-forever,असावें -to be,ऐसें-like this,वाटतें -i feel,wish,पायी-at thy feet ,सांडूनी -leaving aside,संकोच-hesitation,ठाव-resting place,refuge,थोडासा -little,देईं -pleasegive,तुका -saint tukaram,म्हणे -says,देवा -o god,माझी - my,वेडीवांकुडी -crooked,नामें -names,भवपाश -worldly afflictions,हातीं -hands,आपुल्या -in your,तोड़ी -please break.
1. भूपाळी(Composed by Saint Tukaram Maharaj)
जोडूनियां कर चरणीं ठेविला माथा । परिसावी विनंती माझी सदगुरुनाथा ।।1
असो नसो भाव आलों तूझिया ठाया । कृपादृष्टीं पाहें मजकडे सदगुरुराया ।।2
Joining my hands, I have kept my forhead at thy feet. Please listen to my request oh dear Sathguru.I do not understand whether or not I have real devotion, yet I have come to you.Please look towards me with grace, o dear Sathguru.
जोडूनियां -by joining,कर -Hands,चरणीं -at thy feet,ठेविला -have kept,माथा -foreheadपरिसावी -listen to,विनंती -humble request,माझी -my,सदगुरुनाथा -dear sathguru ,असो -having,नसो -not having,भाव -real feeling, ,आलों -i have come,तूझिया - at your,ठाया -place,कृपादृष्टीं -graceful look,पाहें-see,मजकडे -towards me,सदगुरुराया - dear sathguru
अखंडित असावें ऐसें वाटतें पायी । सांडूनी संकोच ठाव थोडासा देईं ।।3
तुका म्हणे देवा माझी वेडीवांकुडी । नामें भवपाश हातीं आपुल्या तोड़ी ।।4
I wish that i should always be at thy feet,leaving aside all feeling of shyness. Please give me little refuge (at your feet).Tukaram maharaj says, o god please do not mind my crooked composition.It is in your hand to destroy my worldly afflictions.
अखंडित-forever,असावें -to be,ऐसें-like this,वाटतें -i feel,wish,पायी-at thy feet ,सांडूनी -leaving aside,संकोच-hesitation,ठाव-resting place,refuge,थोडासा -little,देईं -pleasegive,तुका -saint tukaram,म्हणे -says,देवा -o god,माझी - my,वेडीवांकुडी -crooked,नामें -names,भवपाश -worldly afflictions,हातीं -hands,आपुल्या -in your,तोड़ी -please break.
Here is the video of Kakad Aarti
Here is the link ,click here to download Mp3

2. भूपाळी(Composed by Saint Janabai)
उठा पांडुरंगा आतां प्रभातसमयो पातला । वैष्णवांचा मेळा गरुडपारीं दाटला ।।1
गरुडपारापासुनी महाद्घारापर्यंत । सुरवरांची मांदी उभी जोडूनियां हात ।।2
O Panduranga, please wake up, the sunrise time has now arrived. The flock of Vaishnavas have gathered at the temple flagstaff.From the flagstaff to the main entrance of the temple, the band of gods is standing with joined hands (for seeing and worshipping you).
उठा -wake up,पांडुरंगा -Pandurang, who is an incarnation of Vishnu,the Supreme personality of Godhead,आतां -now,प्रभातसमयो -sunrise time,पातला -has come,वैष्णवांचा -of the devotees of Vishnu,मेळा - assembly,गरुडपारीं - at the temple flagstaff. (The flag carries the symbol of eagle (Garuda), who is the carrier of vishnu.)दाटला - gathered together,गरुडपारापासुनी - from the temple flagstaff,महाद्घारापर्यंत - upto the main entrance,सुरवरांची -of the Gods,मांदी -band of, systematic collection of,उभी - standing,जोडूनियां -joining,हात - hands.
शुकसनकादिक नारद-तुबंर भक्तांच्या कोटी । त्रिशूल डमरु घेउनि उभा गिरिजेचा पती ।।3
कलीयुगींचा भक्त नामा उभा कीर्तनीं । पाठीमागें उभी डोळा लावुनियां जनी ।।4
The great sages Shuka, Sanaka the great celestial musicians, Narada and Tumburu are amongst the devotees. Taking along with him, his Trishul and Damru, the consort of Goddess Girija is also standing.The Devotee of Kali Yuga, Saint Namdev is standing for doing Keertan. Behind him, Saint Janabai (the author herself) is standing with her eyes fixed (gazing).
शुकसनकादिक - the great sages Shuka,Sanaka and,नारद-तुबंर -the great celestial musicians, Narada and Tumburu,भक्तांच्या -the devotees,कोटी - from amongst,त्रिशूल -Trishul, डमरु - Damru, hand drum, carried by Lord Shiva,घेउनि - taking along with him,उभा - standing,गिरिजेचा - of goddess Girija (Parvati)पती -husband,कलीयुगींचा-of the Kali Yuga,भक्त - devotee,नामा - Saint Namdev,उभा - standing,कीर्तनीं - for doing Keertan,पाठीमागें - behind,उभी - standing,डोळा - eye,लावुनियां - fixing,जनी - Saint Janabai.
Click here to watch the Aarti Video
Here is the link to the song ,click here to download Mp3
3. भूपाळी(Composed by Shri Krishna Jogeshwar Bhisma, Baba's devotee)
उठा उठा श्री साईनाथ गुरु चरणकमल दावा । आधिव्याधि भवताप वारुनी तारा जडजीवा ।। ध्रु0
तुम्हां सोडुनियां भवतमरजनी विलया । परि ही अज्ञानासी तुमची भुलवि योगमाया ।
Wake up, wake up o dear Shri Sainath guru and show us your Lotus feet (so that we can worship them).By warding off our misery and worldly suffering, save us,the conditioned Leaving you, the dark night of worldly ignorance has set and gone away, but still the ignorant are fooled by your YogaMaya.
उठा - wake up,पांडुरंगा -Pandurang,who is an incarnation of Vishnu,the Supreme personality of Godhead,आतां - now,दर्शन - darshan, holy glimpse,घा - give,सकळां - everybody,झाला - has happened,अरुणोदय - sunrise,सरली - has passed away,निद्रेची - of sleep,वेला - टाइम, हौर,गेली - gone away,तुम्हां - you,सोडुनियां - leaving,भवतमरजनी - dark night of worldly ignorance ,विलया -set, become extinct, disappear,परि - but,ही - still,अज्ञानासी - for the ignorant,तुमची - yours,भुलवि - fools,योगमाया - YogaMaya, the illusive power of the lord.
शक्ति न आम्हां यत्किंचितही तिजला साराया । तुम्हीच तीथे सारुनि दावा मुख जन ताराया ।। चा0
भो साइनाथ महाराज भवतिमिरनाशक रवी । अज्ञानी आम्ही किती तव वर्णावी थोरवी ।
There is no strength in us,even a little bit, to cast her away. Therein, You alone, cast her aside by showing us thy (radiant) face, in order to save the people Oh dear Sainath maharaj, the sun, the destroyer of worldly ignorance we are too ignorant, to describe your glory.
शक्ति -strength,न - no,आम्हां - us,यत्किंचितही - even a little bit of,तिजला - to her,साराया - cast away, do away,तुम्हीच - you alone,तीथे - therein,सारुनि - casting aside,दावा - showमुख - mouth, face,जन - people,ताराया - in order to save, in order to rescue,भो-oh,साइनाथ - dear sainath,महाराज - maharaj,भवतिमिरनाशक - destroyer of worldly darkness (ignorance),रवी - sun,अज्ञानी - ignorant,आम्ही - we,किती - how much, so much, too,तव - your,वर्णावी - describe,थोरवी - greatness, glory.
ती वर्णितां भागले बहुवदनि शेष विधि कवी ।। चा0 ।।
सकृप होउनि महिमा तुमचा तुम्हीच वदवावा ।। आधि0 ।। उठा0
भक्त मनीं सद्घाव धरुनि जे तुम्हां अनुसरले । ध्यायास्तव ते दर्शन तुमचें द्घारि उभे ठेले ।
Describing her, the thousand tounged Shesha, Brahmaji, the poets, all got exhausted. Having become gracefull (on us), you yourself get your glory described.Bearing devotion in mind, whichever devotees followed you those devotees are (now) standing still at the door, for having thy darshan.
ती - her,वर्णितां - describing,भागले - got exhausted,बहुवदनि - many mouthed, thousand toungedशेष - the Shesha snake, on which Vishnu reclines,विधि - Brahmaji, the creator of the universe,कवी - poets,सकृप- gracefull,होउनि - having become,महिमा - glory,तुमचा your,तुम्हीच -you yourself,वदवावा - get it described,भक्त - devotees,मनीं - in the mind,सद्घाव - real feeling, devotion,धरुनि - bearing,जे - whichever,तुम्हां - you,अनुसरले - followed,ध्यायास्तव - for having,ते - they, those devotees,दर्शन - Darshan, holy glimpse,तुमचें - thy,द्घारि - at the door,उभे - standing,ठेले - still.
ध्यानस्था तुम्हांस पाहुनी मन अमुचें धालें । परि त्वद्घचनामृत प्राशायातें आतुर झालें
उघडूनी नेत्रकमला दीनबंधु रमाकांता । पाहिं बा कृपादृष्टीं बालका जशी माता ।
Seeing you in meditation, our mind is satisfied. Yet it has become eager to drink the nectar of your speech Opening (thy) lotus eyes, o friend of the helpless, o husband of ramaa, o dear, look favourably on us, just like a mother (looks to her) child.
ध्यानस्था - in meditation, in trance,तुम्हांस - you,पाहुनी - seeing,मन - mind,अमुचें - our,धालें - satiated, satisfied,परि - but, yet,त्वद्घचनामृत - nectar of your speech,प्राशायातें - to drink,आतुर - eager,झालें - has become,उघडूनी - opening,नेत्रकमला - lotus eyes,दीनबंधु - brother of the poor, friend of the helpless,रमाकांता - husband of Ramaa (Rukmini),पाहिं - look,बा - o dear,कृपादृष्टीं - favourably, gracefully,बालका - child,जशी - just like,माता - mother.
रंजवी मधुरवाणी हरीं ताप साइनाथा ।। चा0
आम्हीच अपुले कार्यास्तव तुज कष्टवितों देवा ।
सहन करिशिल तें ऐकुनि घावी भेट कृष्ण धांवा ।। उठा उठा0
o dear sainath, your nectarine speech delights us and takes away our suffering.o god, we ourselves, trouble you for getting our own work done. (I know) you will listen and endure that, (and thereafter) give attention (attend) to Krishna's (the author's) call for help.
रंजवी - delights , gratifies, enraptures,मधुरवाणी - nectarine speech,हरीं - takes away,ताप -suffering,साइनाथा - dear sainath,आम्हीच - we ourselves,अपुले - our own,कार्यास्तव - for getting work done,तुज - you,कष्टवितों - trouble, labour,देवा - o god,सहन - endure,करिशिल - will,तें - that,ऐकुनि - listen,घावी - give,भेट - meet, (here it means) attend,कृष्ण - krishna (the author),धांवा - call for help.
उठा उठा श्री साईनाथ गुरु चरणकमल दावा । आधिव्याधि भवताप वारुनी तारा जडजीवा ।। ध्रु0
तुम्हां सोडुनियां भवतमरजनी विलया । परि ही अज्ञानासी तुमची भुलवि योगमाया ।
Wake up, wake up o dear Shri Sainath guru and show us your Lotus feet (so that we can worship them).By warding off our misery and worldly suffering, save us,the conditioned Leaving you, the dark night of worldly ignorance has set and gone away, but still the ignorant are fooled by your YogaMaya.
उठा - wake up,पांडुरंगा -Pandurang,who is an incarnation of Vishnu,the Supreme personality of Godhead,आतां - now,दर्शन - darshan, holy glimpse,घा - give,सकळां - everybody,झाला - has happened,अरुणोदय - sunrise,सरली - has passed away,निद्रेची - of sleep,वेला - टाइम, हौर,गेली - gone away,तुम्हां - you,सोडुनियां - leaving,भवतमरजनी - dark night of worldly ignorance ,विलया -set, become extinct, disappear,परि - but,ही - still,अज्ञानासी - for the ignorant,तुमची - yours,भुलवि - fools,योगमाया - YogaMaya, the illusive power of the lord.
शक्ति न आम्हां यत्किंचितही तिजला साराया । तुम्हीच तीथे सारुनि दावा मुख जन ताराया ।। चा0
भो साइनाथ महाराज भवतिमिरनाशक रवी । अज्ञानी आम्ही किती तव वर्णावी थोरवी ।
There is no strength in us,even a little bit, to cast her away. Therein, You alone, cast her aside by showing us thy (radiant) face, in order to save the people Oh dear Sainath maharaj, the sun, the destroyer of worldly ignorance we are too ignorant, to describe your glory.
शक्ति -strength,न - no,आम्हां - us,यत्किंचितही - even a little bit of,तिजला - to her,साराया - cast away, do away,तुम्हीच - you alone,तीथे - therein,सारुनि - casting aside,दावा - showमुख - mouth, face,जन - people,ताराया - in order to save, in order to rescue,भो-oh,साइनाथ - dear sainath,महाराज - maharaj,भवतिमिरनाशक - destroyer of worldly darkness (ignorance),रवी - sun,अज्ञानी - ignorant,आम्ही - we,किती - how much, so much, too,तव - your,वर्णावी - describe,थोरवी - greatness, glory.
ती वर्णितां भागले बहुवदनि शेष विधि कवी ।। चा0 ।।
सकृप होउनि महिमा तुमचा तुम्हीच वदवावा ।। आधि0 ।। उठा0
भक्त मनीं सद्घाव धरुनि जे तुम्हां अनुसरले । ध्यायास्तव ते दर्शन तुमचें द्घारि उभे ठेले ।
Describing her, the thousand tounged Shesha, Brahmaji, the poets, all got exhausted. Having become gracefull (on us), you yourself get your glory described.Bearing devotion in mind, whichever devotees followed you those devotees are (now) standing still at the door, for having thy darshan.
ती - her,वर्णितां - describing,भागले - got exhausted,बहुवदनि - many mouthed, thousand toungedशेष - the Shesha snake, on which Vishnu reclines,विधि - Brahmaji, the creator of the universe,कवी - poets,सकृप- gracefull,होउनि - having become,महिमा - glory,तुमचा your,तुम्हीच -you yourself,वदवावा - get it described,भक्त - devotees,मनीं - in the mind,सद्घाव - real feeling, devotion,धरुनि - bearing,जे - whichever,तुम्हां - you,अनुसरले - followed,ध्यायास्तव - for having,ते - they, those devotees,दर्शन - Darshan, holy glimpse,तुमचें - thy,द्घारि - at the door,उभे - standing,ठेले - still.
ध्यानस्था तुम्हांस पाहुनी मन अमुचें धालें । परि त्वद्घचनामृत प्राशायातें आतुर झालें
उघडूनी नेत्रकमला दीनबंधु रमाकांता । पाहिं बा कृपादृष्टीं बालका जशी माता ।
Seeing you in meditation, our mind is satisfied. Yet it has become eager to drink the nectar of your speech Opening (thy) lotus eyes, o friend of the helpless, o husband of ramaa, o dear, look favourably on us, just like a mother (looks to her) child.
ध्यानस्था - in meditation, in trance,तुम्हांस - you,पाहुनी - seeing,मन - mind,अमुचें - our,धालें - satiated, satisfied,परि - but, yet,त्वद्घचनामृत - nectar of your speech,प्राशायातें - to drink,आतुर - eager,झालें - has become,उघडूनी - opening,नेत्रकमला - lotus eyes,दीनबंधु - brother of the poor, friend of the helpless,रमाकांता - husband of Ramaa (Rukmini),पाहिं - look,बा - o dear,कृपादृष्टीं - favourably, gracefully,बालका - child,जशी - just like,माता - mother.
रंजवी मधुरवाणी हरीं ताप साइनाथा ।। चा0
आम्हीच अपुले कार्यास्तव तुज कष्टवितों देवा ।
सहन करिशिल तें ऐकुनि घावी भेट कृष्ण धांवा ।। उठा उठा0
o dear sainath, your nectarine speech delights us and takes away our suffering.o god, we ourselves, trouble you for getting our own work done. (I know) you will listen and endure that, (and thereafter) give attention (attend) to Krishna's (the author's) call for help.
रंजवी - delights , gratifies, enraptures,मधुरवाणी - nectarine speech,हरीं - takes away,ताप -suffering,साइनाथा - dear sainath,आम्हीच - we ourselves,अपुले - our own,कार्यास्तव - for getting work done,तुज - you,कष्टवितों - trouble, labour,देवा - o god,सहन - endure,करिशिल - will,तें - that,ऐकुनि - listen,घावी - give,भेट - meet, (here it means) attend,कृष्ण - krishna (the author),धांवा - call for help.
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Click here to watch the Kakad aarti Video
4. भूपाळी(Composed by Saint Namdev)
उठा पांडुरंगा आतां दर्शन घा सकळां । झाला अरुणोदय सरली निद्रेची वेळा ।। 1
साधू मुनी अवघे झालेती गोळा । सोडा शेजे सुख आतां बंघु घा मुखकमळा ।। 2 ।।
Wake up, o Panduranga, now give everybody thy holy glimpse. The sunrise has happened and the hour of sleep has passed away.The Saints, Sages , Munis have all gathered. Now leave the pleasure of sleep and allow us to see your lotus like face.
उठा - wake up,पांडुरंगा - Pandurang, who is an incarnation of Vishnu, the Supreme personality of Godhead,आतां - now,दर्शन - darshan, holy glimpse,घा - give,सकळां - everybody,झाला - has happened,अरुणोदय - sunrise,सरली - has passed away,निद्रेची - of sleepवेळा - time, hour,संत - saints,साधू - sages,मुनी - munis, mystics,अवघे - all,झालेती - haveगोळा - gathered, assembled,सोडा - leave,शेजे - of sleep,सुख - happiness, pleasure,आतां - now,बंघु - to see,घा - allow (us),मुखकमळा - lotus like face
रंगमंडपी महाद्घारीं झालीसे दाटी । मन उतावीळ रुप पहावया दृष्टी ।। 3
राही रखुमाबाई तुम्हां येऊं घा दया । शेजे हालवुनी जागें करा देवराया ।। 4 ।।
At the courtyard and the main entrance, a dense assembly (of devotees) has originated and (our) mind is eager to behold thy beautiful form, (in our) eye sight.O mothers, Rahee and Rukmini, let mercy dawn on you. Moving gently the sleeping bed, please do wake up our dear Lord.
रंगमंडपी - at the courtyard (a stage with roofing for performances),महाद्घारीं - at the main entrance,झालीसे - has originated,दाटी - crowd, dense assembly,मन - mind,उतावीळ - eagerरुप - beautiful form,पहावया - to see, to behold,दृष्टी - eye sight, vision,राही - Rahee, the consort of Vishnu,रखुमाबाई - Rukmini, the consort of Vishnu,तुम्हां - on you,येऊं - come, dawn,घा - let,दया - mercy,शेजे - sleeping bed,हालवुनी - moving gently, stirring,gently,जागें - wake up,करा - do,देवराया - dear Lord
गरुड हनुमंत उभे पाहती वाट । स्वर्गीचे सुरवर घेउनि आले बोभाट ।। 5
झालें मुक्तद्घार लाभ झाला रोकडा । विष्णुदास नामा उभा घेऊनि कांकाड़ा ।। 6 ।।
Garuda and Hanuman are standing, looking out, waiting, for you. The gods of heaven have come, bringing along with them loud utterances (of your glory).The door (of liberation) has opened and i have been immediately benefited (by attaining thee). Your servant devotee, Saint Namdev (the author himself) is standing along with wicks of lighted lamps (ready for worshipping you).
गरुड - Garuda, the eagle, carrier of Vishnu,हनुमंत - Hanuman, the great devotee of the Lord,उभे - standing,पाहती - looking out,वाट - waiting,स्वर्गीचे - of heaven,सुरवर - gods,घेउनि - bringing along with,आले - have come,बोभाट - cries, shouts, loud utterances (in praise of the lord),झालें - has,मुक्तद्घार - door has opened and become free,लाभ - benefit,झाला - have been,रोकडा - immediately, instantly, readily,विष्णुदास - servant devotee of Vishnu नामा - Saint Namdev, the author,उभा - standing,घेऊनि - along with,कांकाड़ा - wick of cloth, immersed in oil, which is rolled on to a wooden stick, and then lighted and waved in front of the deity
उठा पांडुरंगा आतां दर्शन घा सकळां । झाला अरुणोदय सरली निद्रेची वेळा ।। 1
साधू मुनी अवघे झालेती गोळा । सोडा शेजे सुख आतां बंघु घा मुखकमळा ।। 2 ।।
Wake up, o Panduranga, now give everybody thy holy glimpse. The sunrise has happened and the hour of sleep has passed away.The Saints, Sages , Munis have all gathered. Now leave the pleasure of sleep and allow us to see your lotus like face.
उठा - wake up,पांडुरंगा - Pandurang, who is an incarnation of Vishnu, the Supreme personality of Godhead,आतां - now,दर्शन - darshan, holy glimpse,घा - give,सकळां - everybody,झाला - has happened,अरुणोदय - sunrise,सरली - has passed away,निद्रेची - of sleepवेळा - time, hour,संत - saints,साधू - sages,मुनी - munis, mystics,अवघे - all,झालेती - haveगोळा - gathered, assembled,सोडा - leave,शेजे - of sleep,सुख - happiness, pleasure,आतां - now,बंघु - to see,घा - allow (us),मुखकमळा - lotus like face
रंगमंडपी महाद्घारीं झालीसे दाटी । मन उतावीळ रुप पहावया दृष्टी ।। 3
राही रखुमाबाई तुम्हां येऊं घा दया । शेजे हालवुनी जागें करा देवराया ।। 4 ।।
At the courtyard and the main entrance, a dense assembly (of devotees) has originated and (our) mind is eager to behold thy beautiful form, (in our) eye sight.O mothers, Rahee and Rukmini, let mercy dawn on you. Moving gently the sleeping bed, please do wake up our dear Lord.
रंगमंडपी - at the courtyard (a stage with roofing for performances),महाद्घारीं - at the main entrance,झालीसे - has originated,दाटी - crowd, dense assembly,मन - mind,उतावीळ - eagerरुप - beautiful form,पहावया - to see, to behold,दृष्टी - eye sight, vision,राही - Rahee, the consort of Vishnu,रखुमाबाई - Rukmini, the consort of Vishnu,तुम्हां - on you,येऊं - come, dawn,घा - let,दया - mercy,शेजे - sleeping bed,हालवुनी - moving gently, stirring,gently,जागें - wake up,करा - do,देवराया - dear Lord
गरुड हनुमंत उभे पाहती वाट । स्वर्गीचे सुरवर घेउनि आले बोभाट ।। 5
झालें मुक्तद्घार लाभ झाला रोकडा । विष्णुदास नामा उभा घेऊनि कांकाड़ा ।। 6 ।।
Garuda and Hanuman are standing, looking out, waiting, for you. The gods of heaven have come, bringing along with them loud utterances (of your glory).The door (of liberation) has opened and i have been immediately benefited (by attaining thee). Your servant devotee, Saint Namdev (the author himself) is standing along with wicks of lighted lamps (ready for worshipping you).
गरुड - Garuda, the eagle, carrier of Vishnu,हनुमंत - Hanuman, the great devotee of the Lord,उभे - standing,पाहती - looking out,वाट - waiting,स्वर्गीचे - of heaven,सुरवर - gods,घेउनि - bringing along with,आले - have come,बोभाट - cries, shouts, loud utterances (in praise of the lord),झालें - has,मुक्तद्घार - door has opened and become free,लाभ - benefit,झाला - have been,रोकडा - immediately, instantly, readily,विष्णुदास - servant devotee of Vishnu नामा - Saint Namdev, the author,उभा - standing,घेऊनि - along with,कांकाड़ा - wick of cloth, immersed in oil, which is rolled on to a wooden stick, and then lighted and waved in front of the deity
Click here to watch the video of the Kakad
Here is the link to the song ,click here to download Mp3
5. अभंग(Composed by Shri Krishna Jogeshwar Bhisma, baba's devotee)
घेउनियां पंचारती । करुं बाबांसी आरती ।। करुं साई सी0 ।। 1
उठा उठा हो बांधव । ओंवाळूं हा रमाधव ।। सांई र0 ।।
Holding the Panchaarti, let us do the aarti unto BabaGet up, get up oh brothers, let us wave lamps unto this Lord Madhav, the consort of Ramaa.
घेउनियां - holding, taking,पंचारती - Panchaarti, a dish having five lighted wicks, which is waved in front of the deity,करुं - let us do,बाबांसी - unto Baba,आरती - aarti,उठा - get up, wake up,उठा - get up, wake up,हो - oh,बांधव - brothers, friends, fellows,ओंवाळूं - let us wave (the lighted lamps),हा - this,रमाधव - Ramaa's Madhav. i.e. Lord Vishnu, the husband of Ramaa.
करुनीयां स्थीर मन । पाहूं गंभीर हें ध्यान ।। साईंचें हें0
कृष्ण नाथ दत्तसाई । जडो चित्त तुझे पायीं ।। साई तु0 ।।
Making the mind stable, let us observe this deeply absorbed meditative form O Lord Krishna O Datta Sai, let my attention get firmly fixed at thy feet.
करुनीयां - making,स्थीर - stable,मन - mind,पाहूं - let us observe,गंभीर - deeply absorbed,हें - this,ध्यान - meditative form,कृष्णनाथा - o lord Krishna,दत्तसाई - o Datta Sai,जडो - let it get firmly fixed,चित्त - attention, consciousness, mind,तुझे - at thy,पायीं - feet
. कांकंड आरती(Composed by Shri Krishna Jogeshwar Bhisma, baba's devotee)
कांकडआरती करीतों साईनाथ देवा । चिनमयरुप दाखवीं घेउनि बालक-लघुसेवा ।। ध्रु०
काम क्रोध मद मत्सर आटुनी कांकडा केला । वैराग्याचे तूप घालुनी मी तो भिजवीला ।
o dear Sainath, my lord, i am doing the Kakad Aarti (unto you). Please show me thy form of pure consciousness accepting this child's small insignificant service.i have twisted my lust, anger, pride, envy and made a wick (out of them). By pouring ghee of dispassion, i have wetted it (the wick).
कांकडआरती - kakad aarti, morning wake up aarti,करीतों - am doing,साईनाथ - o dear Sainathदेवा - god, lord,चिनमयरुप - form of pure consciousness, the sat-chit-ananda (existence-knowledge-bliss) form,दाखवीं - please show me,घेउनि - accepting,बालक - child,लघुसेवा - small insignificant service,काम - lust,क्रोध - anger,मद - pride,मत्सर - envy,आटुनी - twisted, tormented,कांकडा - wick of cloth, which is immersed in oil and lighted and waved in front of the deity,केला - have done, have made,वैराग्याचे - of dispassion,तूप - ghee, clarified butter,घालुनी - pouring, putting,मी - i,तो - it, that,भिजवीला - have wetted, have moistened
साईनाथगुरुभक्तिज्वलनें तो मी पेटविला । तद्वृत्ती जाळुनी गुरुनें प्रकाश पाडिला
द्वैत -तमा नासूनी मिळवी तत्स्वरुपीं जीवा ।। चि0 ।। 1 ।।
With the fire in the form of 'devotion towards my Guru Lord Sainath', i have lighted it (the wick). Burning away my those (bad) instincts, Guru maharaj has effected light (of knowledge) on me.Destroying the ignorance in the form of duality, Guru Maharaj, causes the Jeeva, to meet with it's real absolute nature.
साईनाथगुरुभक्तिज्वलनें - with the fire in the form of 'devotion towards Guru Lord Sainath'तो - it, that,मी - i,पेटविला - have lighted,तद्वृत्ती - those instincts (the one's mentioned in the previous stanza viz. lust, anger, pride, envy),जाळुनी - burning away,गुरुनें - guru maharaj has,प्रकाश - light,पाडिला - made, formed, effected,द्घेत-तमा - ignorance in the form of duality (not knowing that god, world and jeeva are one and the same),नासूनी - destroying,मिळवी - unites, causes to meet,तत्स्वरुपीं - with the real absolute nature, with the self,जीवा - Jeeva, the living entity
भू-खेचर व्यापूनी अवघे हृत्कमलीं राहसी । तोचि दत्तदेव तू शिरड़ी राहुनी पावसी ।
राहुनि येथे अन्यत्रहि तू भक्तांस्तव धांवसी । निरसुनियां संकटा दासा अनुभव दाविसी ।
Pervading the whole of,you stay in (everybody's) heart space. You are verily that God Datta, who blesses, staying in Shirdi.Staying here, elsewhere also, you come running for the sake of your devotees. Warding off danger, you give (blissfull) experiences to your devotee.
भू-खेचर - the earth and the heaven,व्यापूनी - pervading,अवघे - entire, all, wholeहृत्कमलीं - in the heart space (the heart space is called pundarikam),राहसी - stay,तोचि - verily that,दत्तदेव - God Datta,तू - you,शिरड़ी - Shirdi,राहुनी - staying,पावसी - manifests, blesses,राहुनि - staying,येथे - here,अन्यत्रहि - elsewhere also,तू - you,भक्तांस्तव - for the sake of devotees,धांवसी - come running,निरसुनियां - warding off,संकटा - danger,दासा - to your servant devoteeअनुभव - experiences,दाविसी - show, give
न कळे त्वल्लीलाही कोण्या देवा वा मानवा ।। चि0 ।। 2
त्वघशदुंदुभीनें सारें अंबर हेंकोंदलें । सगुण मूर्ति पाहण्या आतुर जन शिरडी आले ।
Any god or human being does not understand thy leelas.The whole sky has been filled with the trumpet of thy glory. People have come to see the divine image with form.
न - not,कळे - understand,त्वल्लीलाही - thy leelas, thy divine sport,कोण्या - any,देवा - godवा - or,मानवा - human being,त्वघशदुंदुभीनें - with trumpet of your glory (त्व - your घश - glory दुंदुभी - trumpet नें-with),सारें - entire, whole,अंबर - sky, space,हेंकोंदलें - has been filled, has been resonated,सगुण - with form,मूर्ति - divine image, divine idol,पाहण्या - to see,आतुर - eager,जन - people,शिरडी - Shirdi,आले - have come.

प्राशुनि त्वद्घचनामृत अमुचे देहभान हरपलें । सोडूनियां दुरभिमान मानस त्वच्चरणीं वाहिले ।
कृपा करुनियां साईमाउली दास पदरिं घ्यावा ।।
Drinking the nectar of your speech, our body conciousness has been lost. Leaving aside unfounded false pride, we have surrendered our mind at your feet. Doing mercy on me, o mother Sai, please take your servant devotee in your care and protection.
प्राशुनि - drinking,त्वद्घचनामृत - nectar of your speech,अमुचे - our,देहभान - body conciousness, body awareness,हरपलें - has been lost,सोडूनियां - leaving aside,दुरभिमान - unfounded false pride (such as of caste, wealth etc.),मानस - mind,त्वच्चरणीं - at your feet,वाहिले - offered, surrendered, dedicated,कृपा - mercy, grace,करुनियां - doing,साईमाउली - mother Saiदास - servant devotee,पदरिं - in the upper fold of your sari , (here it means) in your refuge, in your care and protection,घ्यावा - please take
घेउनियां पंचारती । करुं बाबांसी आरती ।। करुं साई सी0 ।। 1
उठा उठा हो बांधव । ओंवाळूं हा रमाधव ।। सांई र0 ।।
Holding the Panchaarti, let us do the aarti unto BabaGet up, get up oh brothers, let us wave lamps unto this Lord Madhav, the consort of Ramaa.
घेउनियां - holding, taking,पंचारती - Panchaarti, a dish having five lighted wicks, which is waved in front of the deity,करुं - let us do,बाबांसी - unto Baba,आरती - aarti,उठा - get up, wake up,उठा - get up, wake up,हो - oh,बांधव - brothers, friends, fellows,ओंवाळूं - let us wave (the lighted lamps),हा - this,रमाधव - Ramaa's Madhav. i.e. Lord Vishnu, the husband of Ramaa.
करुनीयां स्थीर मन । पाहूं गंभीर हें ध्यान ।। साईंचें हें0
कृष्ण नाथ दत्तसाई । जडो चित्त तुझे पायीं ।। साई तु0 ।।
Making the mind stable, let us observe this deeply absorbed meditative form O Lord Krishna O Datta Sai, let my attention get firmly fixed at thy feet.
करुनीयां - making,स्थीर - stable,मन - mind,पाहूं - let us observe,गंभीर - deeply absorbed,हें - this,ध्यान - meditative form,कृष्णनाथा - o lord Krishna,दत्तसाई - o Datta Sai,जडो - let it get firmly fixed,चित्त - attention, consciousness, mind,तुझे - at thy,पायीं - feet
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. कांकंड आरती(Composed by Shri Krishna Jogeshwar Bhisma, baba's devotee)
कांकडआरती करीतों साईनाथ देवा । चिनमयरुप दाखवीं घेउनि बालक-लघुसेवा ।। ध्रु०
काम क्रोध मद मत्सर आटुनी कांकडा केला । वैराग्याचे तूप घालुनी मी तो भिजवीला ।
o dear Sainath, my lord, i am doing the Kakad Aarti (unto you). Please show me thy form of pure consciousness accepting this child's small insignificant service.i have twisted my lust, anger, pride, envy and made a wick (out of them). By pouring ghee of dispassion, i have wetted it (the wick).
कांकडआरती - kakad aarti, morning wake up aarti,करीतों - am doing,साईनाथ - o dear Sainathदेवा - god, lord,चिनमयरुप - form of pure consciousness, the sat-chit-ananda (existence-knowledge-bliss) form,दाखवीं - please show me,घेउनि - accepting,बालक - child,लघुसेवा - small insignificant service,काम - lust,क्रोध - anger,मद - pride,मत्सर - envy,आटुनी - twisted, tormented,कांकडा - wick of cloth, which is immersed in oil and lighted and waved in front of the deity,केला - have done, have made,वैराग्याचे - of dispassion,तूप - ghee, clarified butter,घालुनी - pouring, putting,मी - i,तो - it, that,भिजवीला - have wetted, have moistened
साईनाथगुरुभक्तिज्वलनें तो मी पेटविला । तद्वृत्ती जाळुनी गुरुनें प्रकाश पाडिला
द्वैत -तमा नासूनी मिळवी तत्स्वरुपीं जीवा ।। चि0 ।। 1 ।।
With the fire in the form of 'devotion towards my Guru Lord Sainath', i have lighted it (the wick). Burning away my those (bad) instincts, Guru maharaj has effected light (of knowledge) on me.Destroying the ignorance in the form of duality, Guru Maharaj, causes the Jeeva, to meet with it's real absolute nature.
साईनाथगुरुभक्तिज्वलनें - with the fire in the form of 'devotion towards Guru Lord Sainath'तो - it, that,मी - i,पेटविला - have lighted,तद्वृत्ती - those instincts (the one's mentioned in the previous stanza viz. lust, anger, pride, envy),जाळुनी - burning away,गुरुनें - guru maharaj has,प्रकाश - light,पाडिला - made, formed, effected,द्घेत-तमा - ignorance in the form of duality (not knowing that god, world and jeeva are one and the same),नासूनी - destroying,मिळवी - unites, causes to meet,तत्स्वरुपीं - with the real absolute nature, with the self,जीवा - Jeeva, the living entity
भू-खेचर व्यापूनी अवघे हृत्कमलीं राहसी । तोचि दत्तदेव तू शिरड़ी राहुनी पावसी ।
राहुनि येथे अन्यत्रहि तू भक्तांस्तव धांवसी । निरसुनियां संकटा दासा अनुभव दाविसी ।
Pervading the whole of,you stay in (everybody's) heart space. You are verily that God Datta, who blesses, staying in Shirdi.Staying here, elsewhere also, you come running for the sake of your devotees. Warding off danger, you give (blissfull) experiences to your devotee.
भू-खेचर - the earth and the heaven,व्यापूनी - pervading,अवघे - entire, all, wholeहृत्कमलीं - in the heart space (the heart space is called pundarikam),राहसी - stay,तोचि - verily that,दत्तदेव - God Datta,तू - you,शिरड़ी - Shirdi,राहुनी - staying,पावसी - manifests, blesses,राहुनि - staying,येथे - here,अन्यत्रहि - elsewhere also,तू - you,भक्तांस्तव - for the sake of devotees,धांवसी - come running,निरसुनियां - warding off,संकटा - danger,दासा - to your servant devoteeअनुभव - experiences,दाविसी - show, give
न कळे त्वल्लीलाही कोण्या देवा वा मानवा ।। चि0 ।। 2
त्वघशदुंदुभीनें सारें अंबर हेंकोंदलें । सगुण मूर्ति पाहण्या आतुर जन शिरडी आले ।
Any god or human being does not understand thy leelas.The whole sky has been filled with the trumpet of thy glory. People have come to see the divine image with form.
न - not,कळे - understand,त्वल्लीलाही - thy leelas, thy divine sport,कोण्या - any,देवा - godवा - or,मानवा - human being,त्वघशदुंदुभीनें - with trumpet of your glory (त्व - your घश - glory दुंदुभी - trumpet नें-with),सारें - entire, whole,अंबर - sky, space,हेंकोंदलें - has been filled, has been resonated,सगुण - with form,मूर्ति - divine image, divine idol,पाहण्या - to see,आतुर - eager,जन - people,शिरडी - Shirdi,आले - have come.

प्राशुनि त्वद्घचनामृत अमुचे देहभान हरपलें । सोडूनियां दुरभिमान मानस त्वच्चरणीं वाहिले ।
कृपा करुनियां साईमाउली दास पदरिं घ्यावा ।।
Drinking the nectar of your speech, our body conciousness has been lost. Leaving aside unfounded false pride, we have surrendered our mind at your feet. Doing mercy on me, o mother Sai, please take your servant devotee in your care and protection.
प्राशुनि - drinking,त्वद्घचनामृत - nectar of your speech,अमुचे - our,देहभान - body conciousness, body awareness,हरपलें - has been lost,सोडूनियां - leaving aside,दुरभिमान - unfounded false pride (such as of caste, wealth etc.),मानस - mind,त्वच्चरणीं - at your feet,वाहिले - offered, surrendered, dedicated,कृपा - mercy, grace,करुनियां - doing,साईमाउली - mother Saiदास - servant devotee,पदरिं - in the upper fold of your sari , (here it means) in your refuge, in your care and protection,घ्यावा - please take
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7. कांकड आरती(Composed by Saint Tukaram Maharaj)
भक्तीचिया पोटीं बोध कांकडा ज्योती । पंचप्राण जीवें भावें ओवाळूं आरती ।। 1
।।ओंवाळूं आरती माइया पंढरीनाथा माझ्या साईनाथा । दोन्ही कर जोडोनी चरणीं ठेविला माथा ।। ध्रु0 ।।
In the wake of devotion follows understanding, which is the light illuminating the wick of our lamp. (With this light) Let us wave the aarti, with all our five life forces, with our heart and soul.Let us wave aarti unto you, my dear Pandharinath my dear Sainath. Joining both my hands, i have kept my forehead at thy feet .
भक्तीचिया - devotion,पोटीं - in the wake of,बोध - knowledge, understanding,कांकडा - wick of cloth, immersed in oil, which is rolled on to a wooden stick, and then lighted and waved in front of the deity,ज्योती - light,पंचप्राण - the five vital life forces (pranas)जीवें भावें - with heart and soul,ओवाळूं - let us wave,आरती - aarti,ओंवाळूं - let us waveआरती - aarti,माइया - my,पंढरीनाथा - dear Pandharinath, who is an incarnation of Vishnu, the Supreme personality of Godhead,माझ्या - my,साईनाथा - dear Sainath,दोन्ही - bothकर - hands,जोडोनी - joining,चरणीं - at thy feet,ठेविला - have kept,माथा - forehead
काय महिमा वर्णूं आतां सांगणे किती । कोटी ब्रहमहत्या मुख पाहतां जाती ।। 2
।।राही रखुमाबाई उभ्या दोघी दो बाहीं । मयूरपिच्छ चामरें ढाळिति ठायींचे ठायीं ।। 3 ।।
Now what shall i describe your glory and how much should i tell (about it). (Even) the sin of killing a crore brahmins is erased on seeing thy holy face. Mothers Rahee and Rukmini, both of them are standing on your two sides. They are waving royal fans made of peacock feather from place to place (all over you).
काय - what,महिमा - glory,वर्णूं - shall i describe,आतां - now,सांगणे - tell,किती - how muchकोटी - crore, inummerable,ब्रहमहत्या - sin of killing a Brahmin,मुख - holy face,पाहतां - on looking, on seeing,जाती - goes, is erased,राही - Rahee, the consort of Vishnuरखुमाबाई - Rukmini, the consort of Vishnu,उभ्या - standing,दोघी - both of them,दो - two,बाहीं - sides,मयूरपिच्छ - peacock feather,चामरें - royal fans,ढाळिति - are waving over,ठायींचे - place to,ठायीं - place
तुका म्हणे दीप घेउनि उन्मनीत शोभा । विठेवरी उभा दिसे लावण्यगाभा ।। 4 ।। ओवाळूं 0 ।।
Taking lamps with him, Saint Tukaram (the author himself) says that the beauty and splendour is completely absorbing. The centre of all beauty and attraction is seen standing on the brick.
तुका - Saint Tukaram,म्हणे - says,दीप - light, lamp,घेउनि - taking, holding,उन्मनीत - the state of complete absorption in the contemplation of Truth,शोभा - beauty, grace, elegance, splendour,विठेवरी - on the brick (Pandurang, an incarnation of Vishnu, stands on a brick, given to him by his devotee Pundalik, ever since he appeared),उभा - standing,दिसे - is seen,लावण्यगाभा - the center of all beauty and attraction
भक्तीचिया पोटीं बोध कांकडा ज्योती । पंचप्राण जीवें भावें ओवाळूं आरती ।। 1
।।ओंवाळूं आरती माइया पंढरीनाथा माझ्या साईनाथा । दोन्ही कर जोडोनी चरणीं ठेविला माथा ।। ध्रु0 ।।
In the wake of devotion follows understanding, which is the light illuminating the wick of our lamp. (With this light) Let us wave the aarti, with all our five life forces, with our heart and soul.Let us wave aarti unto you, my dear Pandharinath my dear Sainath. Joining both my hands, i have kept my forehead at thy feet .
भक्तीचिया - devotion,पोटीं - in the wake of,बोध - knowledge, understanding,कांकडा - wick of cloth, immersed in oil, which is rolled on to a wooden stick, and then lighted and waved in front of the deity,ज्योती - light,पंचप्राण - the five vital life forces (pranas)जीवें भावें - with heart and soul,ओवाळूं - let us wave,आरती - aarti,ओंवाळूं - let us waveआरती - aarti,माइया - my,पंढरीनाथा - dear Pandharinath, who is an incarnation of Vishnu, the Supreme personality of Godhead,माझ्या - my,साईनाथा - dear Sainath,दोन्ही - bothकर - hands,जोडोनी - joining,चरणीं - at thy feet,ठेविला - have kept,माथा - forehead
काय महिमा वर्णूं आतां सांगणे किती । कोटी ब्रहमहत्या मुख पाहतां जाती ।। 2
।।राही रखुमाबाई उभ्या दोघी दो बाहीं । मयूरपिच्छ चामरें ढाळिति ठायींचे ठायीं ।। 3 ।।
Now what shall i describe your glory and how much should i tell (about it). (Even) the sin of killing a crore brahmins is erased on seeing thy holy face. Mothers Rahee and Rukmini, both of them are standing on your two sides. They are waving royal fans made of peacock feather from place to place (all over you).
काय - what,महिमा - glory,वर्णूं - shall i describe,आतां - now,सांगणे - tell,किती - how muchकोटी - crore, inummerable,ब्रहमहत्या - sin of killing a Brahmin,मुख - holy face,पाहतां - on looking, on seeing,जाती - goes, is erased,राही - Rahee, the consort of Vishnuरखुमाबाई - Rukmini, the consort of Vishnu,उभ्या - standing,दोघी - both of them,दो - two,बाहीं - sides,मयूरपिच्छ - peacock feather,चामरें - royal fans,ढाळिति - are waving over,ठायींचे - place to,ठायीं - place
तुका म्हणे दीप घेउनि उन्मनीत शोभा । विठेवरी उभा दिसे लावण्यगाभा ।। 4 ।। ओवाळूं 0 ।।
Taking lamps with him, Saint Tukaram (the author himself) says that the beauty and splendour is completely absorbing. The centre of all beauty and attraction is seen standing on the brick.
तुका - Saint Tukaram,म्हणे - says,दीप - light, lamp,घेउनि - taking, holding,उन्मनीत - the state of complete absorption in the contemplation of Truth,शोभा - beauty, grace, elegance, splendour,विठेवरी - on the brick (Pandurang, an incarnation of Vishnu, stands on a brick, given to him by his devotee Pundalik, ever since he appeared),उभा - standing,दिसे - is seen,लावण्यगाभा - the center of all beauty and attraction
Click here to view the Kakad Aarti
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उठा साधुसंत साधा आपुलालें हित । जाईल जाईल हा नरदेह मग कैंचा भगवंत ।। 1 ।।उठोनियां पहांटे बाबा उभा असे विटे । चरण तयांचे गोमटे अमृतदृष्टि अवलोका ।। 2 ।।
Wake up o saints and sages, effect your own welfare (at the earliest). This human body will go, will go, then where is the (scope for realising) god.Waking up early in the morning, look at Saibaba(Vitthal) who is standing upright on the brick. Behold his holy feet which are sweet and gracefull and his merciful look which showers nectar.
उठा - wake up,साधुसंत - saints and sages,साधा - effect, attain,आपुलालें - your own,हित - welfare,जाईल - will go, will perish,जाईल - will go, will perish,हा - this,नरदेह - human body,मग - then,कैंचा - which, where is,भगवंत - god,उठोनियां - waking up,पहांटे - early in the morning,बाबा - Saibaba (originally Vitthal. for devotees Saibaba is verily the Vitthal)उभा - standing upright,असे - is,विटे - on the brick,चरण - holy feet,तयांचे - his,गोमटे - sweet, graceful, lovely,अमृतदृष्टि - merciful look which showers nectarअवलोका - look, behold
उठा उठा हो वेगेंसीं चला जाऊंया राउळासी । जळतिल पातकांच्या राशी कांकंडआरती देखिलिया ।। 3 ।।जागें करा रुक्मिणीवर, देव आहे निजसुरांत । वेंगें लिंबलोण करा दृष्ट होईल तयासी ।। 4 ।।
Get up, get up o brothers, come let us go quickly to the temple. Our mountains of sins will burn away, having observed the Kakad aarti Do wake up the consort of Rukmini, our Lord, who is in half-sleep. Quickly, do the waving of Nimb-salt over him, or else an evil eye will act on him.
उठा - get up,उठा - get up,हो - o (brothers),वेगेंसीं - with haste, swiftly, quickly,चला - come,जाऊंया - let us go,राउळासी - to the temple,जळतिल - will burn away,पातकांच्या - of sinsराशी - mountains, heaps,कांकंडआरती - Kakad Aarti, morning wake up Aarti,देखिलिया - having observed,जागें - wake up,करा - do,रुक्मिणीवर - the consort of Rukmini, the Lord,देव - god, Lord,आहे - is,निजसुरांत - in half-sleep,वेंगें - hastily, quickly, without delayलिंबलोण - waving of the Nimb-salt, mustard etc. around the face of a person, to counteract the influence of an evil eye,करा - do,दृष्ट - evil eye,होईल - will occur, will act,तयासी - on him
दारीं वाजंत्रीं वाजती ढोल दमामे गर्जती । होत असे कांकडआरती माइया सदगरुरायांची ।। 5 ।।
सिंहनाद शंखभेरी आनंद होतो महाद्घारी । केशवराज विटेवरी नामा चरण वंदितो ।। 6 ।।
At the door, clarions are sounding and drums and kettledrums are resounding. The kakad aarti of my dear beloved sadguru is happening.At the main entrance (of the temple), deep solemn sound of the Conches and Kettledrums makes one become filled with joy. Lord Keshava stands on the brick and Saint Namdev is worshipping his holy feet.
दारीं - at the door,वाजंत्रीं - wind musical instruments, clarions,वाजती - sounding,ढोल - drumsदमामे - kettledrums,गर्जती - resounding, rumbling,होत - happening,असे - is,कांकडआरती - Kakad Aarti,, morning wakeup aarti,माइया - my,सदगरुरायांची - of dear beloved sadguruसिंहनाद - deep, hollow, and solemn sound,शंखभेरी - Conches and kettledrums,आनंद - happiness, joy,होतो - happen, become,महाद्घारी - at the main entrance,केशवराज - Lord Keshava,विटेवरी - on the brick,नामा - Saint Namdev,चरण - holy feet,वंदितो -is,worshipping, is adoring.
Here is the link to song ,click here to download Mp3
साईनाथगुरु माझे आई । मजला ठाव घावा पायीं ।।दत्तराज गुरु माझे आई । मजला ठाव घावा पायीं ।।
O Guru Lord Sainath, you are my mother, please give me refuge at thy holy feet.O Guru Lord Datta, you are my mother, please give me refuge at thy holy feet span>
साईनाथगुरु - Guru Lord Sainath,माझे - my,आई - mother,मजला - me,ठाव - resting place, refuge,घावा - please give,पायीं - at thy holy feet,दत्तराज गुरु - Guru Lord Datta,माझे - myआई - mother,मजला - me,ठाव - resting place, refuge,घावा - please give,पायीं - at thy holy feet
श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय ।।
Victory be unto our dear sadguru Lord Sainath, the king of kings, who is full in glory and prosperity and pure conciousness.
श्री - shri, full in glory and prosperity,सच्चिदानंद - sat-chit-anand, existence-knowledge-bliss, pure conciousness,सदगुरु - dear sadguru,साईनाथ - Lord Sainath,महाराज - Maharaj, king of kings,की - be unto,जय - victory
9. श्री सांईनाथ प्रभाताष्टक
(Composed by Shri Krishna Jogeshwar Bhisma, baba's devotee)
प्रभातसमयीं नभा शुभ रवि प्रभा फांकली ।
स्मरे गुरु सदा अशा समयिं त्या छळे ना कली ।।
At the time of sunrise, the all auspicious light of the sun has spread in the sky. One who always remembers his guru at this time, Kali (bad thoughts) do not harass him.
प्रभातसमयीं - at the time of sunrise/dawn,नभा - in the sky,शुभ - all auspicious,रवि - sunप्रभा - light,फांकली - has spread, has diffused,स्मरे - remembers,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,सदा - always,अशा - this,समयिं - time,त्या - him,छळे - harass,ना - do not,कली - Kali, bad thoughts
म्हणोनि कर जोडूनी करुं अतां गुरुप्रार्थना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।। 1 ।।
That is why, joining our hands, let us now do prayer unto our Guru. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
म्हणोनि - that is why,कर - hands,जोडूनी - joining,करुं - let us do,अतां - now,गुरुप्रार्थना - prayer unto our guru,समर्थ - samarth, all powerfull, omnipotent,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
तमा निरसि भानु हा गुरुहि नासि अज्ञानता ।
परन्तु गुरुची करी न रविही कधीं साम्यता ।।
This sun removes darkness, similarly also removes ignorance, but even the sun does not do equality of the Guru, at any time.
तमा - darkness,निरसि - removes, ends,भानु - sun,हा - this,गुरुहि - Guru also,नासि -destroys, removes,अज्ञानता - ignorance,परन्तु - but, yet,गुरुची - of the guru,करी - does do,न - not,रविही - even the sun,कधीं - at any time,साम्यता - equality
पुन्हां तिमिर जन्म घे गुरुकृपेनि अज्ञान ना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।। 2 ।।
(When the sun sets) darkness again takes birth (returns), but ignorance (once removed) by Guru's grace does not return. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
पुन्हां - again,तिमिर - darkness,जन्म - birth,घे - take,गुरुकृपेनि -by Guru's grace,अज्ञान - ignorance,ना - does not,समर्थ - samarth, all powerfull, omnipotent,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
रवि प्रगट होउनि त्वरित घालवी आलसा ।
तसा गुरुहि सोडवी सकल दुष्कृतीलालसा ।।

The sun becomes manifest and immediately drives away the state of laziness (in people). Like wise the Guru also frees one from all evil acts and cravings.
रवि - the sun,प्रगट - manifest,होउनि - becomes,त्वरित - immediately,घालवी - removes, drives away, expels,आलसा - state of laziness, indolence, sloth,तसा - similarly, like wiseगुरुहि - guru also,सोडवी - frees, releases, liberates,सकल - all,दुष्कृतीलालसा - evil acts and cravings
हरोनि अभिमानही जडवि तत्पदीं भावना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।। 3 ।।
Taking away one's pride also, he establishes in him, firm devotion towards his feet. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
हरोनि - taking away,अभिमानही - pride also, haughtiness also,जडवि - joins, establishesतत्पदीं - towards his feet,भावना - real feeling, firm devotion,समर्थ - samarth, all,powerfull, omnipotent,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
गुरुसि उपमा दिसे विधिहरीहरांची उणी ।
कुठोनि मग येई ती कवनिं या उगी पाहुणी ।।
Even the resemblance of Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh to the Guru, appears to fall short. Then from where will come, that befitting poetry (in your praise). She will only be an idle guest (in this matter).
गुरुसि - to the guru,उपमा - resemblance, similitude, simile,दिसे - looks, seems, appearsविधिहरीहरांची - of gods Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (विधि- Lord Brahmaji हरी- Lord Hari i.e. Vishnu हरां - Lord Shiva ची - of),उणी - to be deficient, to fall short,कुठोनि - from where,मग - then,येई - will come,ती - she, that,कवनिं - composition, poetry,या - will be,उगी - idle,पाहुणी - guest
तुझीच उपमा तुला बरवि शोभते सज्जना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।। 4 ।।
Only your own resemblance befits you nicely, o good and virtuous soul. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
तुझीच - only your own,उपमा - resemblance,तुला - you,बरवि - nicely, beautifully,शोभते - befits,सज्जना - o good and virtuous soul,समर्थ - samarth, all powerful, omnipotentगुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
समाधि उतरोनियां गुरु चला मशीदीकडे ।
त्वदीय वचनोक्ति ती मधुर वारिती सांकडें ।।
O guru, arising from your trance, come let us go towards the masjid. Your assuring speech is very sweet and it wards of our shackles ,
समाधि-trance,meditation,उतरोनियां-getting down,arising from,गुरु -guru,spiritual master,चला-come let us go,मशीदीकडे-towards the masjid,त्वदीय-your ,वचनोक्ति-assuring speech,ती-it is,मधुर-very sweet,pleasant,nectarine,वारिती-wardsoff,सांकडें-shackles
अजातरिपु सदगुरु अखिलपातका भंजना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।।
Our Sadguru is a friend of everyone and he is the destroyer all sins. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
अजातरिपु - friend of everyone, one for whom there never has been an enemy,सदगुरु-sadguru,अखिलपातका - of all sins,भंजना - destroyer,समर्थ - samarth, all powerful, omnipotent,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ -lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfiesमनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
अहा सुसमयासि या गुरु उठोनियां बैसले ।
वोलोकुनि पदाश्रिता तदिय आपदे नासिलें ।।
At this auspicious time of the day, our guru has arisen (from his trance) and occupied his seat. Then casting his merciful glances on the people surrendered at his feet, he has destroyed their misfortune.
अहा - day,सुसमयासि - at the auspicious time,या - this,गुरु - guru,उठोनियां - arisen,बैसले - occupied his seat,विलोकुनि - casting merciful glances,पदाश्रिता - on the people surrendered at his feet,तदिय - their,आपदे - misfortune, calamity,नासिलें - destroyed
असा सुहितकारि या जगतिं कोणिही अन्य ना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।।
There isn't anybody else, in this world, beneficial like the Guru. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
असा - like this,सुहितकारि - welfare seeking, beneficial,या - this,जगतिं - in world,कोणिही -anybody,अन्य - else,ना - no,समर्थ - samarth, all powerful, omnipotent,गुरु-guru,spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
असे बहुत शाहणा परि न ज्या गुरुची कृपा ।
न तत्स्वहित त्या कळे करितसे रिकाम्या गपा ।।
One who may be very much clever, but who does not have Guru's grace with him, he does not understand his own welfare and engages in worthless talk.
असे - may be,बहुत - very much,शाहणा - clever,परि - yet, but,न - does not,ज्या -who,गुरुची - guru's,कृपा - grace,न - not,तत्स्वहित - his own welfare,त्या - he, him,कळे - does understandकरितसे - does, engages in,रिकाम्या - empty, hollow, idle, worthless,गपा - discussion, talk

जरी गुरुपदा धरी सुदृढ़ भक्तिने तो मना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।।
if he only holds Guru's holy feet with firm devotion in his mind, our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath will fulfill desires of his mind.
जरी - if only,गुरुपदा - Guru's holy feet,धरी - holds,सुदृढ़ - healthy, firm,भक्तिने - with devotion,तो - he,मना - in mind,समर्थ - samarth, all powerful, omnipotent,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना-desires/wishes of the
गुरो विनति मी करीं हृदयमंदिरीं या बसा ।
समस्त जग हें गुरुस्वरुपची ठसो मानसा ।।
O my guru, i am making a humble request to you, to come and dwell in the temple of my heart (always). This entire world is nothing but the form of the guru and let this fact be firmly impressed in my mind.
गुरो - guru, spiritual master,विनति - humble request,मी - i,करीं - am doing, am makingहृदयमंदिरीं - temple of my heart,या - come,बसा - sit, dwell,समस्त - entire,जग - world,हें - this,गुरुस्वरुपची - nothing but the form of the guru,ठसो - imbibed, impressed,मानसा - in my mind
घडो सतत सत्कृती मतिहि दे जगत्पावना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।।
Let noble deeds always happen out of me, O purifier of the world, give me this intelligence. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
घडो - let happen,सतत - always,सत्कृती - good acts, noble deeds,मतिहि - this intelligenceदे - give,जगत्पावना - purifier of the world,समर्थ - samarth, all powerful, omnipotentगुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind

प्रेमें या अष्टकासी पढुनि गुरुवरा प्रार्थिती जे प्रभातीं ।
त्यांचे चित्तासि देतों अखिल हरुनियां भ्रांति मी नित्य शांती ।।
Whosoever prays to his dear gurudev in the morning, by chanting this composition of 8stanzas with love, to his mind, i give eternal peace, taking away all illusion.
प्रेमें - with love,या - this,अष्टकासी - composition of 8 stanzas (the above one, composed by Shri Krishna Jogeshwar Bhisma),पढुनि - reading, chanting,गुरुवरा - to his dear gurudevप्रार्थिती - prays,जे - whosoever, who,प्रभातीं - in the morning,त्यांचे - his, their,चित्तासि - to mind, to intellect,देतों - give,अखिल - all, entire,हरुनियां - taking away,भ्रांति - illusionमी - i,नित्य - forever, eternal, everlasting,शांती - peace
ऐसें हें साईनाथें कथुनि सुचविलें जेविं या बालकासी ।
तेवीं त्या कृष्णपायीं नमुनि सविनयें अर्पितों अष्टकासी ।। 1 ।।
Sainath himself has suggested like this by speaking to this child (the author himself). Following that, I Krishna (the author), bowing at his feet, humbly offer this composition of 8 stanzas to him.
ऐसें - like,हें - this,साईनाथें - sainath has,कथुनि - saying, speaking, telling,सुचविलें - suggested,जेविं - as , like,या - this,बालकासी - to child,तेवीं - according to, in line with, following,त्या - that,कृष्णपायीं - Krishna ...at his feet,नमुनि - greeting, bowingसविनयें - humbly,अर्पितों - i offer, i present,अष्टकासी - this composition of 8 stanzas
श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय ।।
Victory be unto our dear sadguru Lord Sainath, the king of kings, who is full in glory and prosperity and pure consciousness.
श्री - shri, full in glory and prosperity,सच्चिदानंद - sat-chit-anand, existence-knowledge-bliss, pure consciousness,सदगुरु - dear sadguru,साईनाथ - Lord Sainath,महाराज - Maharaj, king of kings,की - be unto,जय - victory
10. पद
(Composed by Shri Dasganu Maharaj)

1. सांई रहम नजर करना, बच्चों का पालन करना ।। धु0 ।।
जाना तुमने जगत्पसारा, सबही झूठ जमाना ।। साई0 ।। 1 ।।
मैं अंधा हूँ बंदा आपका, मुझको प्रभु दिखलाना ।। साई0 ।। 2 ।।
दास गनू कहे अब क्या बोलूं, थक गई मेरी रसना ।। साई0 ।। 3 ।।
O dear Sai, do keep your sight full of mercy on us, Please do sustain us, your children.You know this world of plurality, this world is entirely unreal (does not exist)I am your fellow, who does not have vision (of god). Please show to me the Lord.Dasganu says, now what more shall i tell, my speech has got exhausted (describing your glory).
सांई - o dear sai,रहम - mercy,नजर -sight, look,करना - do keep,बच्चों - children,का - of,पालन - care, protect, nourish, sustain,करना - do,जाना - know,तुमने - youजगत्पसारा - world of plularity,सबही - entirely, completely,झूठ - false, unreal,जमाना - world, generation,मैं - i,अंधा - blind, sightless, not having vision,हूँ - am,बंदा - fellowआपका - your,मुझको - to me,प्रभु - the Lord,दिखलाना - Please show,दास गनू - DasGanu, the author,कहे - says,अब - now,क्या - what,बोलूं - shall i tell,थक - exhausted, tired,गई - has got,मेरी - my,रसना - tongue, speech
साईनाथगुरु माझे आई । मजला ठाव घावा पायीं ।।दत्तराज गुरु माझे आई । मजला ठाव घावा पायीं ।।
O Guru Lord Sainath, you are my mother, please give me refuge at thy holy feet.O Guru Lord Datta, you are my mother, please give me refuge at thy holy feet span>
साईनाथगुरु - Guru Lord Sainath,माझे - my,आई - mother,मजला - me,ठाव - resting place, refuge,घावा - please give,पायीं - at thy holy feet,दत्तराज गुरु - Guru Lord Datta,माझे - myआई - mother,मजला - me,ठाव - resting place, refuge,घावा - please give,पायीं - at thy holy feet
श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय ।।
Victory be unto our dear sadguru Lord Sainath, the king of kings, who is full in glory and prosperity and pure conciousness.
श्री - shri, full in glory and prosperity,सच्चिदानंद - sat-chit-anand, existence-knowledge-bliss, pure conciousness,सदगुरु - dear sadguru,साईनाथ - Lord Sainath,महाराज - Maharaj, king of kings,की - be unto,जय - victory
9. श्री सांईनाथ प्रभाताष्टक
(Composed by Shri Krishna Jogeshwar Bhisma, baba's devotee)
प्रभातसमयीं नभा शुभ रवि प्रभा फांकली ।
स्मरे गुरु सदा अशा समयिं त्या छळे ना कली ।।
At the time of sunrise, the all auspicious light of the sun has spread in the sky. One who always remembers his guru at this time, Kali (bad thoughts) do not harass him.
प्रभातसमयीं - at the time of sunrise/dawn,नभा - in the sky,शुभ - all auspicious,रवि - sunप्रभा - light,फांकली - has spread, has diffused,स्मरे - remembers,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,सदा - always,अशा - this,समयिं - time,त्या - him,छळे - harass,ना - do not,कली - Kali, bad thoughts
म्हणोनि कर जोडूनी करुं अतां गुरुप्रार्थना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।। 1 ।।
That is why, joining our hands, let us now do prayer unto our Guru. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
म्हणोनि - that is why,कर - hands,जोडूनी - joining,करुं - let us do,अतां - now,गुरुप्रार्थना - prayer unto our guru,समर्थ - samarth, all powerfull, omnipotent,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
तमा निरसि भानु हा गुरुहि नासि अज्ञानता ।
परन्तु गुरुची करी न रविही कधीं साम्यता ।।
This sun removes darkness, similarly also removes ignorance, but even the sun does not do equality of the Guru, at any time.
तमा - darkness,निरसि - removes, ends,भानु - sun,हा - this,गुरुहि - Guru also,नासि -destroys, removes,अज्ञानता - ignorance,परन्तु - but, yet,गुरुची - of the guru,करी - does do,न - not,रविही - even the sun,कधीं - at any time,साम्यता - equality
पुन्हां तिमिर जन्म घे गुरुकृपेनि अज्ञान ना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।। 2 ।।
(When the sun sets) darkness again takes birth (returns), but ignorance (once removed) by Guru's grace does not return. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
पुन्हां - again,तिमिर - darkness,जन्म - birth,घे - take,गुरुकृपेनि -by Guru's grace,अज्ञान - ignorance,ना - does not,समर्थ - samarth, all powerfull, omnipotent,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
रवि प्रगट होउनि त्वरित घालवी आलसा ।
तसा गुरुहि सोडवी सकल दुष्कृतीलालसा ।।

The sun becomes manifest and immediately drives away the state of laziness (in people). Like wise the Guru also frees one from all evil acts and cravings.
रवि - the sun,प्रगट - manifest,होउनि - becomes,त्वरित - immediately,घालवी - removes, drives away, expels,आलसा - state of laziness, indolence, sloth,तसा - similarly, like wiseगुरुहि - guru also,सोडवी - frees, releases, liberates,सकल - all,दुष्कृतीलालसा - evil acts and cravings
हरोनि अभिमानही जडवि तत्पदीं भावना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।। 3 ।।
Taking away one's pride also, he establishes in him, firm devotion towards his feet. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
हरोनि - taking away,अभिमानही - pride also, haughtiness also,जडवि - joins, establishesतत्पदीं - towards his feet,भावना - real feeling, firm devotion,समर्थ - samarth, all,powerfull, omnipotent,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
गुरुसि उपमा दिसे विधिहरीहरांची उणी ।
कुठोनि मग येई ती कवनिं या उगी पाहुणी ।।
Even the resemblance of Gods Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh to the Guru, appears to fall short. Then from where will come, that befitting poetry (in your praise). She will only be an idle guest (in this matter).
गुरुसि - to the guru,उपमा - resemblance, similitude, simile,दिसे - looks, seems, appearsविधिहरीहरांची - of gods Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (विधि- Lord Brahmaji हरी- Lord Hari i.e. Vishnu हरां - Lord Shiva ची - of),उणी - to be deficient, to fall short,कुठोनि - from where,मग - then,येई - will come,ती - she, that,कवनिं - composition, poetry,या - will be,उगी - idle,पाहुणी - guest
तुझीच उपमा तुला बरवि शोभते सज्जना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।। 4 ।।
Only your own resemblance befits you nicely, o good and virtuous soul. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
तुझीच - only your own,उपमा - resemblance,तुला - you,बरवि - nicely, beautifully,शोभते - befits,सज्जना - o good and virtuous soul,समर्थ - samarth, all powerful, omnipotentगुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
समाधि उतरोनियां गुरु चला मशीदीकडे ।
त्वदीय वचनोक्ति ती मधुर वारिती सांकडें ।।
O guru, arising from your trance, come let us go towards the masjid. Your assuring speech is very sweet and it wards of our shackles ,
समाधि-trance,meditation,उतरोनियां-getting down,arising from,गुरु -guru,spiritual master,चला-come let us go,मशीदीकडे-towards the masjid,त्वदीय-your ,वचनोक्ति-assuring speech,ती-it is,मधुर-very sweet,pleasant,nectarine,वारिती-wardsoff,सांकडें-shackles
अजातरिपु सदगुरु अखिलपातका भंजना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।।
Our Sadguru is a friend of everyone and he is the destroyer all sins. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
अजातरिपु - friend of everyone, one for whom there never has been an enemy,सदगुरु-sadguru,अखिलपातका - of all sins,भंजना - destroyer,समर्थ - samarth, all powerful, omnipotent,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ -lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfiesमनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
अहा सुसमयासि या गुरु उठोनियां बैसले ।
वोलोकुनि पदाश्रिता तदिय आपदे नासिलें ।।
At this auspicious time of the day, our guru has arisen (from his trance) and occupied his seat. Then casting his merciful glances on the people surrendered at his feet, he has destroyed their misfortune.
अहा - day,सुसमयासि - at the auspicious time,या - this,गुरु - guru,उठोनियां - arisen,बैसले - occupied his seat,विलोकुनि - casting merciful glances,पदाश्रिता - on the people surrendered at his feet,तदिय - their,आपदे - misfortune, calamity,नासिलें - destroyed
असा सुहितकारि या जगतिं कोणिही अन्य ना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।।
There isn't anybody else, in this world, beneficial like the Guru. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
असा - like this,सुहितकारि - welfare seeking, beneficial,या - this,जगतिं - in world,कोणिही -anybody,अन्य - else,ना - no,समर्थ - samarth, all powerful, omnipotent,गुरु-guru,spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
असे बहुत शाहणा परि न ज्या गुरुची कृपा ।
न तत्स्वहित त्या कळे करितसे रिकाम्या गपा ।।
One who may be very much clever, but who does not have Guru's grace with him, he does not understand his own welfare and engages in worthless talk.
असे - may be,बहुत - very much,शाहणा - clever,परि - yet, but,न - does not,ज्या -who,गुरुची - guru's,कृपा - grace,न - not,तत्स्वहित - his own welfare,त्या - he, him,कळे - does understandकरितसे - does, engages in,रिकाम्या - empty, hollow, idle, worthless,गपा - discussion, talk

जरी गुरुपदा धरी सुदृढ़ भक्तिने तो मना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।।
if he only holds Guru's holy feet with firm devotion in his mind, our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath will fulfill desires of his mind.
जरी - if only,गुरुपदा - Guru's holy feet,धरी - holds,सुदृढ़ - healthy, firm,भक्तिने - with devotion,तो - he,मना - in mind,समर्थ - samarth, all powerful, omnipotent,गुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना-desires/wishes of the
गुरो विनति मी करीं हृदयमंदिरीं या बसा ।
समस्त जग हें गुरुस्वरुपची ठसो मानसा ।।
O my guru, i am making a humble request to you, to come and dwell in the temple of my heart (always). This entire world is nothing but the form of the guru and let this fact be firmly impressed in my mind.
गुरो - guru, spiritual master,विनति - humble request,मी - i,करीं - am doing, am makingहृदयमंदिरीं - temple of my heart,या - come,बसा - sit, dwell,समस्त - entire,जग - world,हें - this,गुरुस्वरुपची - nothing but the form of the guru,ठसो - imbibed, impressed,मानसा - in my mind
घडो सतत सत्कृती मतिहि दे जगत्पावना ।
समर्थ गुरु साइनाथ पुरवी मनोवासना ।।
Let noble deeds always happen out of me, O purifier of the world, give me this intelligence. Our omnipotent Guru Lord Sainath fulfills desires of our mind.
घडो - let happen,सतत - always,सत्कृती - good acts, noble deeds,मतिहि - this intelligenceदे - give,जगत्पावना - purifier of the world,समर्थ - samarth, all powerful, omnipotentगुरु - guru, spiritual master,साइनाथ - lord Sainath,पुरवी - fulfills, satisfies,मनोवासना - desires/wishes of the mind
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प्रेमें या अष्टकासी पढुनि गुरुवरा प्रार्थिती जे प्रभातीं ।
त्यांचे चित्तासि देतों अखिल हरुनियां भ्रांति मी नित्य शांती ।।
Whosoever prays to his dear gurudev in the morning, by chanting this composition of 8stanzas with love, to his mind, i give eternal peace, taking away all illusion.
प्रेमें - with love,या - this,अष्टकासी - composition of 8 stanzas (the above one, composed by Shri Krishna Jogeshwar Bhisma),पढुनि - reading, chanting,गुरुवरा - to his dear gurudevप्रार्थिती - prays,जे - whosoever, who,प्रभातीं - in the morning,त्यांचे - his, their,चित्तासि - to mind, to intellect,देतों - give,अखिल - all, entire,हरुनियां - taking away,भ्रांति - illusionमी - i,नित्य - forever, eternal, everlasting,शांती - peace
ऐसें हें साईनाथें कथुनि सुचविलें जेविं या बालकासी ।
तेवीं त्या कृष्णपायीं नमुनि सविनयें अर्पितों अष्टकासी ।। 1 ।।
Sainath himself has suggested like this by speaking to this child (the author himself). Following that, I Krishna (the author), bowing at his feet, humbly offer this composition of 8 stanzas to him.
ऐसें - like,हें - this,साईनाथें - sainath has,कथुनि - saying, speaking, telling,सुचविलें - suggested,जेविं - as , like,या - this,बालकासी - to child,तेवीं - according to, in line with, following,त्या - that,कृष्णपायीं - Krishna ...at his feet,नमुनि - greeting, bowingसविनयें - humbly,अर्पितों - i offer, i present,अष्टकासी - this composition of 8 stanzas
श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय ।।
Victory be unto our dear sadguru Lord Sainath, the king of kings, who is full in glory and prosperity and pure consciousness.
श्री - shri, full in glory and prosperity,सच्चिदानंद - sat-chit-anand, existence-knowledge-bliss, pure consciousness,सदगुरु - dear sadguru,साईनाथ - Lord Sainath,महाराज - Maharaj, king of kings,की - be unto,जय - victory
10. पद
(Composed by Shri Dasganu Maharaj)

1. सांई रहम नजर करना, बच्चों का पालन करना ।। धु0 ।।
जाना तुमने जगत्पसारा, सबही झूठ जमाना ।। साई0 ।। 1 ।।
मैं अंधा हूँ बंदा आपका, मुझको प्रभु दिखलाना ।। साई0 ।। 2 ।।
दास गनू कहे अब क्या बोलूं, थक गई मेरी रसना ।। साई0 ।। 3 ।।
O dear Sai, do keep your sight full of mercy on us, Please do sustain us, your children.You know this world of plurality, this world is entirely unreal (does not exist)I am your fellow, who does not have vision (of god). Please show to me the Lord.Dasganu says, now what more shall i tell, my speech has got exhausted (describing your glory).
सांई - o dear sai,रहम - mercy,नजर -sight, look,करना - do keep,बच्चों - children,का - of,पालन - care, protect, nourish, sustain,करना - do,जाना - know,तुमने - youजगत्पसारा - world of plularity,सबही - entirely, completely,झूठ - false, unreal,जमाना - world, generation,मैं - i,अंधा - blind, sightless, not having vision,हूँ - am,बंदा - fellowआपका - your,मुझको - to me,प्रभु - the Lord,दिखलाना - Please show,दास गनू - DasGanu, the author,कहे - says,अब - now,क्या - what,बोलूं - shall i tell,थक - exhausted, tired,गई - has got,मेरी - my,रसना - tongue, speech
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11. पद
(Composed by Shri Dasganu Maharaj, baba's devotee)
2. रहम नजर करो, अब मोरे साई, तुम बिन नहीं मुझे माँ बाप भाई ।। धु0
अंधा हूँ बंदा तुम्हारा ।। मैं ना जानूं अल्लाइलाही ।। 1
जमाना मैंने गमाया, साथी आखिर का किया न कोई इलाही ।। 2
मस्जिद का झाडू गनू है । मालिक हमारे, तुम बाबा साई ।। 3 ।।
O my dear Sai, now do keep your sight full of mercy on me, Without you, there is no mother, father, brother for me.i am your fellow, who does not have vision (of god). I know nothing about the Lord, the all pervading.I have wasted away my lifetime idle and have not found any everlasting companion.Dasganu (the author himself) is a broom of your Masjid and you are our master, o baba Sai.(The broom is used by the master for cleaning worldly impurity & also it has the good fortune of getting the contact of the master.)
रहम - mercy,नजर -sight, look,करो - do keep,अब - now,मोरे - my,साई - dear Sai,तुम - you,बिन - without,नहीं - no,मुझे - for me,माँ - mother,बाप - father,भाई - brother,मैं - iअंधा - blind, sightless, not having vision,हूँ - am,बंदा - fellow,तुम्हारा - your,मैं - i,ना - no, nothing,जानूं - know,अल्लाइलाही - Allah-Illahi, the Lord-the all pervading,खाली - empty, idle, worthless,जमाना - lifetime, generation,मैंने - i have,गमाया - wasted away,साथी - companion,आखिर का - everlasting,किया - have made, have found,न - not,कोई - any,अपने - our, your,मस्जिद - masjid,का - of,झाडू - broom,गनू - Dasganu (the author),है - is,मालिक - lord, master,हमारे - our,तुम - you,बाबा - baba,साई - Sai
12. पद
(Composed by Saint Janabai)
3. तुज काय देऊं सावळ्या मी खाया तरी, मी दुबली बटिक नाम्याची जाण श्रीहरी ।
O, the one of dark-blue complexion, o Krishna, what still shall i give you for eating. I am a poor maid servant of (thy devotee) Saint Namdev, you know this O Shri Hari.
तुज -you,काय - what,देऊं -shall i give,सावळ्या - o one of dark-blue,complexion,Krishna,मी - i,खाया - for eating,तरी - still,मी - I am,दुबली - poor, powerless, helpless, weak,बटिक - maid servant,नाम्याची - of saint Namdev,जाण - know,श्रीहरी - O Shri Hari
उच्छिष्ट तुला देणें ही गोष्ट ना बरी, तूं जगन्नाथ, तुज देऊँ कशी रे भाकरी ।
Giving to you our stale food, this thing is not proper. You are the Lord of the Universe, o how can i give you bhakri.
उच्छिष्ट - food that has aleady been tasted, stale food,तुला - to you,देणें - giving,ही - thisगोष्ट - thing,ना - not,बरी - proper,तूं - you are,जगन्नाथ - Lord of the Universe,तुज - youदेऊँ - can i give,कशी - how,रे - o,भाकरी - bhakri, bread, a variety of roti
नको अंत मदीय पाहूं सख्या भगवंता । श्रीकांता ।
Please do not test my end, o my dear companion, o god, o Lord of Lakshmi.
नको - Please do not,अंत - end, endurance,मदीय - mine, my,पाहूं - look, testसख्या - my dear companion, my dear friend,भगवंता - o god,श्रीकांता - o Shrikanta, the Lord of Lakshmi
माध्यान्हरात्र उलटोनि गेली ही आतां । आण चित्ता ।
Bring to your mind, the fact that the midnight has also gone past now.
माध्यान्हरात्र - midnight,उलटोनि - past,गेली - has gone,ही - also,आतां - now,आण - bring,चित्ता - to your mind
जा होईल तुझा रे कांकडा ही राउळांतरीं । आणतील भक्त नैवेघ हीनानापरी ।।
Go (to the temple), O your Kakad Aarti will also (soon) start in the temple. Your devotees will bring holy food for you, of different kinds.
जा - Go,होईल - will happen, will start,तुझा - your,रे - o,कांकडा - Kakad aarti,ही - also,राउळांतरीं - in the temple,आणतील - will bring,भक्त - devotees,नैवेघ - holy food offered to the lord,हीनानापरी - of different kinds.
13. पद(Composed by Shri Krishna Jogeshwar Bhisma, baba's devotee)
4. श्री सदगुरु बाबासाई तुजवांचुनि आश्रय नाही, भूतली ।। धु0 ।।
O Shri Sadguru baba Sai, without you there is no refuge (for us) on this earth.
श्री - shri,सदगुरु - sadguru,बाबासाई - baba Sai,तुजवांचुनि - without you,आश्रय - refuge, solace,नाही - no,भूतली - on this earth
मी पापी पतित धीमंदा । तारणें मला गुरुनाथा, झडकरी ।। 1 ।।
I am a sinner, fallen and dull witted person. O Gurunath, please save me quickly.
मी - i am,पापी - sinner,पतित - fallen,धीमंदा - dull witted, slow of understanding,तारणें - please save, please uplift, please rescue,मला - me,गुरुनाथा - O gurunath,झडकरी - quickly, swiftly
तूं शांतिक्षमेचा मेरु । तूं भवार्णवींचें तारुं, गुरुवरा ।। 2 ।।
You are the pinnacle of peace & forgiveness. You are the boat (which will carry us) across the ocean of worldly existence, O Guruvar.
तूं - you,शांतिक्षमेचा - peace & forgiveness,मेरु - meru, mount, pinnacle,तूं - you,भवार्णवींचें - ocean of worldly existence,तारुं - ferryman, ship, boat,गुरुवरा - o Guruvar
गुरुवरा मजसि पामरा, अता उद्घरा, त्वरित लवलाही, त्वरित लवलाही,
O Guruvar, now uplift me quickly and swiftly, who am a low ignorant fellow.
गुरुवरा - o Guruvar,मजसि - me,पामरा - a low ignorant fellow,अता - now,उद्घरा - uplift,त्वरित - immediately, quickly,लवलाही -smartly, swiftly,त्वरित-immediately,quickly,लवलाही,smartly, swiftly
मी बुडतों भवभय डोही उद्घरा ।। श्री सदगु0 ।। 3 ।।
I am drowning in the deep waters of worldly worries. Please uplift.
मी - i,बुडतों - drowning, sinking,भवभय - worldly worries,डोही - deep waters,उद्घरा - uplift

कांकड आरतीचा कार्यक्रम समाप्त
End of Kakad (morning wake up) Aarti
श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय ।।
ॐ तत सत
Complete Shirdi Sai Baba Snanamantra Aarti(Bathing of Baba with Mantra ):
(Composed by Shri Dasganu Maharaj, baba's devotee)
2. रहम नजर करो, अब मोरे साई, तुम बिन नहीं मुझे माँ बाप भाई ।। धु0
अंधा हूँ बंदा तुम्हारा ।। मैं ना जानूं अल्लाइलाही ।। 1
जमाना मैंने गमाया, साथी आखिर का किया न कोई इलाही ।। 2
मस्जिद का झाडू गनू है । मालिक हमारे, तुम बाबा साई ।। 3 ।।
O my dear Sai, now do keep your sight full of mercy on me, Without you, there is no mother, father, brother for me.i am your fellow, who does not have vision (of god). I know nothing about the Lord, the all pervading.I have wasted away my lifetime idle and have not found any everlasting companion.Dasganu (the author himself) is a broom of your Masjid and you are our master, o baba Sai.(The broom is used by the master for cleaning worldly impurity & also it has the good fortune of getting the contact of the master.)
रहम - mercy,नजर -sight, look,करो - do keep,अब - now,मोरे - my,साई - dear Sai,तुम - you,बिन - without,नहीं - no,मुझे - for me,माँ - mother,बाप - father,भाई - brother,मैं - iअंधा - blind, sightless, not having vision,हूँ - am,बंदा - fellow,तुम्हारा - your,मैं - i,ना - no, nothing,जानूं - know,अल्लाइलाही - Allah-Illahi, the Lord-the all pervading,खाली - empty, idle, worthless,जमाना - lifetime, generation,मैंने - i have,गमाया - wasted away,साथी - companion,आखिर का - everlasting,किया - have made, have found,न - not,कोई - any,अपने - our, your,मस्जिद - masjid,का - of,झाडू - broom,गनू - Dasganu (the author),है - is,मालिक - lord, master,हमारे - our,तुम - you,बाबा - baba,साई - Sai
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12. पद
(Composed by Saint Janabai)

O, the one of dark-blue complexion, o Krishna, what still shall i give you for eating. I am a poor maid servant of (thy devotee) Saint Namdev, you know this O Shri Hari.
तुज -you,काय - what,देऊं -shall i give,सावळ्या - o one of dark-blue,complexion,Krishna,मी - i,खाया - for eating,तरी - still,मी - I am,दुबली - poor, powerless, helpless, weak,बटिक - maid servant,नाम्याची - of saint Namdev,जाण - know,श्रीहरी - O Shri Hari
उच्छिष्ट तुला देणें ही गोष्ट ना बरी, तूं जगन्नाथ, तुज देऊँ कशी रे भाकरी ।
Giving to you our stale food, this thing is not proper. You are the Lord of the Universe, o how can i give you bhakri.
उच्छिष्ट - food that has aleady been tasted, stale food,तुला - to you,देणें - giving,ही - thisगोष्ट - thing,ना - not,बरी - proper,तूं - you are,जगन्नाथ - Lord of the Universe,तुज - youदेऊँ - can i give,कशी - how,रे - o,भाकरी - bhakri, bread, a variety of roti
नको अंत मदीय पाहूं सख्या भगवंता । श्रीकांता ।
Please do not test my end, o my dear companion, o god, o Lord of Lakshmi.
नको - Please do not,अंत - end, endurance,मदीय - mine, my,पाहूं - look, testसख्या - my dear companion, my dear friend,भगवंता - o god,श्रीकांता - o Shrikanta, the Lord of Lakshmi
माध्यान्हरात्र उलटोनि गेली ही आतां । आण चित्ता ।
Bring to your mind, the fact that the midnight has also gone past now.
माध्यान्हरात्र - midnight,उलटोनि - past,गेली - has gone,ही - also,आतां - now,आण - bring,चित्ता - to your mind
जा होईल तुझा रे कांकडा ही राउळांतरीं । आणतील भक्त नैवेघ हीनानापरी ।।
Go (to the temple), O your Kakad Aarti will also (soon) start in the temple. Your devotees will bring holy food for you, of different kinds.
जा - Go,होईल - will happen, will start,तुझा - your,रे - o,कांकडा - Kakad aarti,ही - also,राउळांतरीं - in the temple,आणतील - will bring,भक्त - devotees,नैवेघ - holy food offered to the lord,हीनानापरी - of different kinds.
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13. पद(Composed by Shri Krishna Jogeshwar Bhisma, baba's devotee)
4. श्री सदगुरु बाबासाई तुजवांचुनि आश्रय नाही, भूतली ।। धु0 ।।
O Shri Sadguru baba Sai, without you there is no refuge (for us) on this earth.
श्री - shri,सदगुरु - sadguru,बाबासाई - baba Sai,तुजवांचुनि - without you,आश्रय - refuge, solace,नाही - no,भूतली - on this earth
मी पापी पतित धीमंदा । तारणें मला गुरुनाथा, झडकरी ।। 1 ।।
I am a sinner, fallen and dull witted person. O Gurunath, please save me quickly.
मी - i am,पापी - sinner,पतित - fallen,धीमंदा - dull witted, slow of understanding,तारणें - please save, please uplift, please rescue,मला - me,गुरुनाथा - O gurunath,झडकरी - quickly, swiftly
तूं शांतिक्षमेचा मेरु । तूं भवार्णवींचें तारुं, गुरुवरा ।। 2 ।।
You are the pinnacle of peace & forgiveness. You are the boat (which will carry us) across the ocean of worldly existence, O Guruvar.
तूं - you,शांतिक्षमेचा - peace & forgiveness,मेरु - meru, mount, pinnacle,तूं - you,भवार्णवींचें - ocean of worldly existence,तारुं - ferryman, ship, boat,गुरुवरा - o Guruvar
गुरुवरा मजसि पामरा, अता उद्घरा, त्वरित लवलाही, त्वरित लवलाही,
O Guruvar, now uplift me quickly and swiftly, who am a low ignorant fellow.
गुरुवरा - o Guruvar,मजसि - me,पामरा - a low ignorant fellow,अता - now,उद्घरा - uplift,त्वरित - immediately, quickly,लवलाही -smartly, swiftly,त्वरित-immediately,quickly,लवलाही,smartly, swiftly
मी बुडतों भवभय डोही उद्घरा ।। श्री सदगु0 ।। 3 ।।
I am drowning in the deep waters of worldly worries. Please uplift.
मी - i,बुडतों - drowning, sinking,भवभय - worldly worries,डोही - deep waters,उद्घरा - uplift
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कांकड आरतीचा कार्यक्रम समाप्त
End of Kakad (morning wake up) Aarti
श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय ।।
ॐ तत सत
Complete Shirdi Sai Baba Snanamantra Aarti(Bathing of Baba with Mantra ):
To view the Mangal Snan(Bath )of Baba click here
To be continued.... Madhyan Aarti in next post.....Jai Sai Ram.
To see the complete Kakad Aarti click Here.
अनंतकोटी ब्रम्हांडनायक राजाधिराज योगिराज परब्रह्म श्री सच्चिदानंद सदगुरु साईनाथ महाराज की जय

Thank you so very much....I have always wanted these informations...thanks once again...jai sai ram.
Jai Sai Ram,
I appreciate ur efforts to provide such detailed information regarding Sai Baba Kakad Arti.....It reflects ur hard work and dedication to Shirdi Sai Baba.
Keep the great work going...
Jai bolo shridi sainath maharaj ke jai
Jai gurudev dattha threyaya sianath maharaj ke jai
apdbandava anadha rakshaka,sakala jevakoteke sai e sharanam
om sree sairam jai sree sairamm
Can you please post the meaning of 'Utha Utha sakala jana, vaache smaraava Gajaanana'. I would like to teach this song to my kids and as I don't understand Marathi so well, it would be helpful if you could provide with the meaning of the prayer. Thanks for your efforts!
Hi,can you please post the meaning of the prayer 'Utha utha sakala jana, vaache smaraava Gajaanana'. I don't understand Marathi so well, therefore, you inputs on the meaning would be really helpful. Thankyou so much!
jai sai raam...........