While reading a book on Shirdi Sai Baba I came across these beautiful wordings and was caught by explaination ,the author with what simplicity has explained the importance of Guru .After reading one must try to stop for a while and think in to the deeper meaning of these four lines.

"Chitram Vatatarormule
Vriddhah Scishyah Guruh Yuva
Guruostu Mounam Vyakhyanam
Scishyastu chinna samscayah."

"Chitram Vatatarormule
Vriddhah Scishyah Guruh Yuva
Guruostu Mounam Vyakhyanam
Scishyastu chinna samscayah."
This means, What a wonder! At the foot of the banyan tree, aged, grey bearded disciples are seated at the feet of a Guru, who is young. The Guru keeps silent and talks not a word. The doubts however, of the disciples are all dispelled.
